Florence Lustman

France Assureurs



President, France Assureurs.

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Journal article

We Need To Act Now to Meet the Challenge of Age-Related Dependency

In Revue d'économie financière (2023/4 No 152)

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  • Date of publication
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Journal article

We Need To Act Now to Meet the Challenge of Age-Related Dependency

In Revue d'économie financière (2023/4 No 152)

Journal article

The place of insurance in a post Covid-19 world

In Revue d'économie financière (2020/3 N° 139-140)

Journal article

A plea for an insurance solution to exceptional disasters

In Revue d'économie financière (2020/3 N° 139-140)

Journal article

The Alzheimer's Plan for 2008-2012

In Les Tribunes de la santé (2011/3 No 32)


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