Philosopher He taught philosophy for twenty years, and has published numerous works, including Les Tisserands (Les liens qui Libèrent, 2016), Le Génie de la France (Albin Michel, 2021) and, with Philippe Meirieu, Grandir en humanité. Libres propos sur l'école et l'éducation (Autrement, 2022).
In L'école des parents (2024/1 No 650)
In L'école des parents (2024/1 No 650)
In Le Débat (2015/3 No 185)
In Esprit (2006/3 March April)
In L'école des parents (2024/1 No 650)
In Le Débat (2015/3 No 185)
In Esprit (2014/10 October)
In Esprit (2011/2 February)
In Diogenes (2009/2 No 226)
In Études (2009/10 Volume 411)
In Esprit (2009/8 August September)
In Esprit (2007/3 March April)
In Esprit (2006/3 March April), a leading platform for French-language scientific publications, aims to promote the dissemination of high-quality research while fostering the independence and diversity of actors within the knowledge ecosystem.