Table of contents

Journal article

Summary: Does the Decrease In Monetary Value Due to High Inflation Constitute an Additional Damage?

Journal article

Summary: A New European Ambition: Excluding Products from “Imported Deforestation” from Global Value Chains

Journal article

Summary: German Justice in the Face of Specialization and Internationalization: On the Law Introducing Commercial Courts

Journal article

Summary: Protection of Foreign Investments against Vulnerabilities in the Sahel

Journal article

Summary: Beyond the Constellation: The Impact of Gemini on Legal Professions

Journal article

Summary: Business Closures for Anti-Union Reasons in the Light of The Walmart Cases: A Dialogue between Labour Law and Economics

Publication date: 09/17/2024

Uploaded: 09/18/2024

ISBN 9782931194119


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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