Couverture de E_RIDE_373

Journal issue

Deglobalization and reglobalization

Law and the challenge of economic dependance and sovereignty

Revue internationale de droit économique
2023/3 Vol. XXXVII

244 pages

Table of contents

Journal article

L’Esprit Des Lois in the global era

Journal article

Local exchange trading systems, local currencies

Journal article

A steering body for a new globalization?

Journal article

In the digital sphere: a quest for autonomy in a world of dependencies

Journal article

On artificial intelligence, harmonized standards and external effects

Journal article

A first analysis of the Regulation relating to the protection of the Union and its Member States Against Economic Coercion

Journal article

Control of financial data for law enforcement purposes

Journal article

From delegated regulation to the creat of virtuous ecosystems. Economic law and remondialization

Journal article

The vigilant company: promises and prospects

Journal article

Of deglobalization

Journal article

Of economic dependence and sovereignty – Concluding remarks


Journal article

Review – towards the ecological redirection of economic law

Journal article


Publication date: 07/19/2024

Uploaded: 07/23/2024

ISBN 9782931194102


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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