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Journal issue

Sovereign immunity of States

Revue internationale de droit économique
2023/1 Vol. XXXVII

138 pages

Table of contents

Journal article

Introductory remarks

Journal article

Immunity from execution and immunity from jurisdiction: Distinction, comparison, linkage

Journal article

Immunity from execution and fundamental rights

Journal article

Immunity from execution and arbitration

Journal article

Exceptions to sovereign immunity from execution in Canada and international law: mimicry, progressivism or wrongfulness?

Journal article

The theory of emanation and its delicate coherence in French law

Journal article

The debtor’s bank assets

Journal article

Immunity from State execution and wage claims

Journal article

The fate of diplomatic property

Journal article

Conditions for waiving the State’s immunity from execution under French law


Journal article


Publication date: 01/04/2024

Uploaded: 01/04/2024

ISBN 9782931194089


Humanities and Social Sciences

Science, Technology, and Medicine

Law and Administration

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