
Couverture de E_POUV_189

Journal issue

The Olympic Games

2024/2 No 189

186 pages

Table of contents

Journal article


Journal article

The modern Olympic Games: The advent of a global show

Journal article

What is left of Olympic values?

Journal article

The law to the test of the Olympic Games (and vice versa)

Journal article

Are the Olympic Games worth it? The costs and benefits of the organisation of a worldwide event

Journal article

From the athlete to the nation: Towards a new geopolitics of sport

Journal article

The athletic religion of Coubertin, admirer of Nazi Olympism

Journal article

Apocalypse OG

Journal article

The stakes of the Olympic ceremonies

Journal article

The Olympic Games, power, and spectacle

Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations
Translation: Sophie Borresen, Editor: Zahira Ransome, Senior Editor: Mark Mellor

Journal article

Paris 2024: The story of a candidature

Journal article

The State and the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games


Journal article

Foreign Chronicles (October 1st – December 31st, 2023)

Journal article

French Constitutional Chronicle (October 1st – December 31st, 2023)

Publication date: 03/26/2024

Uploaded: 04/09/2024


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